File name :DSC_0004.JPG
File size :1.2MB(1242901Bytes)
Date taken :2001/12/29 13:43:31
Image size :2000 x 1312
Resolution :300 x 300 dpi
Number of bits :8bit/channel
Protection attribute :Off
Hide Attribute :Off
Camera ID :N/A
Camera :NIKON D1H
Quality mode :FINE
Metering mode :Matrix
Exposure mode :Programmed auto
Speed light :No
Focal length :30 mm
Shutter speed :1/50second
Aperture :F3.5
Exposure compensation:0 EV
White Balance :Fluorescent
Lens :17 - 35 mm F 2.8
Flash sync mode :N/A
Exposure difference :0.0 EV
Flexible program :No
Sensitivity :ISO1250
Sharpening :Normal
Image Type :Color
Color Mode :Mode II(Adobe RGB)
Hue adjustment :3
Saturation Control :N/A
Tone compensation :Normal
Latitude(GPS) :N/A
Longitude(GPS) :N/A
Altitude(GPS) :N/A
File name :DSC_0008.JPG
File size :1.1MB(1178511Bytes)
Date taken :2001/12/30 12:17:51
Image size :2000 x 1312
Resolution :300 x 300 dpi
Number of bits :8bit/channel
Protection attribute :Off
Hide Attribute :Off
Camera ID :N/A
Camera :NIKON D1H
Quality mode :FINE
Metering mode :Center-weighted
Exposure mode :Programmed auto
Speed light :No
Focal length :86 mm
Shutter speed :1/500second
Aperture :F11.0
Exposure compensation:-0.7 EV
White Balance :Direct sunlight
Lens :80 - 200 mm F 2.8
Flash sync mode :N/A
Exposure difference :0.0 EV
Flexible program :No
Sensitivity :ISO320
Sharpening :Normal
Image Type :Color
Color Mode :Mode II(Adobe RGB)
Hue adjustment :3
Saturation Control :N/A
Tone compensation :Normal
Latitude(GPS) :N/A
Longitude(GPS) :N/A
Altitude(GPS) :N/A